United States - Contracting and Acquisition Support Services (CASS) - Request for Proposals (RFP)

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
11 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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View Changes AMENDMENT 0003 -  Effective Date: 11 Sep 2024
The purpose of Amendment 0003 is to extend the proposal due date to 19 Sep 24 by 5 PM CT, to provide answers to questions submitted in reference to RFP HT001524R0010 (CASS), Amendment 0002, correct an omission in Amendment 0002 where Question 125 was left out of the Question and Answer document and update Provision PD 09-01 Enclosure 2 and Clause PD 09-01 Enclosure 3 (yellow highlighting). The following is a list of documents that have been updated (changes in PDF documents have been highlighted in blue):
1.Attachment 1 - Performance Work Statement (PWS)
2. Attachment 2 - 52.212-1_Instructions to Offerors
3. Attachment 4 - Minimum Compensation Matrix
4. Attachment 5 - Pricing Matrix
5. Attachment 13 - CASS RFP Questions and Answers
6. SF 1449

AMENDMENT 0002 - Effective Date: 3 Sep 2024
The purpose of Amendment 0002 is to provide answers to questions submitted in reference to RFP HT001524R0010 (CASS).
The following is a list of documents that have been updated or added in response to the questions (changes in PDF documents have been highlighted in blue,except SF 1449):

Attachment 1 – Performance Work Statement (PWS)
Attachment 2 – 52.212-1_Instructions to Offerors
Attachment 3 – 52.212-3_Evaluation Criteria
Attachment 4 – Minimum Compensation Matrix
Attachment 5 – Pricing matrix
Attachment 6 – OCI Mitigation Plan Checklist
Attachment 7 – Past Performance Questionnaire
Attachment 11 – DHACA Onboarding Checklist
Attachment 12 – Current FTEs and Locations
Attachment 13 – CASS RFP Questions and Answers

The original SF 1449 has also been updated with corrected provisions/clauses, removal of 'DRAFT", and correction of block 28,

AMENDMENT 0001 - Effective Date: 28 Aug 2024
The purpose of Amendment 0001 is to extend the proposal due date to allow review of questions and answers.  Proposal due date has changed from 30 Aug 24 by 2:00 PM to 16 Sep 2024 by 1:00 PM. Questions and answers will be posted with Amendment 0002 on SAM.gov as soon as possible.  Please be patient. The Government is working diligently to provide answers to all of the questions.  The SF 30 is the only updated document with this amendment.

22 Aug 24: UPDATE: For clarification, the questions and answers will be posted with Amendment 0001.  There will be an extension to the proposal due date to alot sufficent time for review of the questions and answers and to allow offerors to adjust accordingly.   Please be patient as we are working as quickly as possible. 
21 Aug 24:  UPDATE:  The Government anticipates providing an extension to the proposal due date in order to give offerors time to review the questions and answers after they have been posted.  Please continue to monitor SAM.gov for that update.
UPDATE:  Due to system errors and constraints, the SF 1449 released with the RFP is incorrect.  The SF 1449 has been updated.  Please use the version added with this update.  All other versions are obsolete and have been removed from the solicitiation.  This version will need to be submitted with proposals.

TITLE:  Contracting and Acquisition Support Services (CASS)
INTRODUCTION:  The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency that enables the Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services to provide a medically ready force and ready medical force to Combatant Commands in both peacetime and wartime. The DHA supports the delivery of integrated, affordable, and high-quality health services to Military Health System (MHS) beneficiaries and is responsible for driving greater integration of clinical and business processes across the MHS.
This is a non-personal service requirement to provide contracting and acquisition support services for the Defense Health Agency (DHA). The contractor is to provide full time equivalent (FTE) positions in the labor categories of contract analyst support, procurement technician support, price/cost analyst support, program management/analyst support, acquisition planning support, systems engineering program management support, computer analyst support, business operations support, and clerical and administrative support.
The Government is contemplating a Firm Fixed Price, Single Award, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a five-year ordering period.
Questions and feedback shall be provided on Attachment 10 - CASS RFP Feedback form. Interested vendors are required to follow the instructions on all attachments.
Responses will be posted to SAM.gov once the Government has reviewed all questions and feedback.
Do not include proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information in your response. Industry responses will be shared with Government staff for the purpose of market research. The Government reserves the right to use any information provided in any resultant solicitation(s).
Questions are due 9 August 2024 no later than 4:00 PM, CT.
Proposal due date is 30 August 2024 no later than 2:00 PM, CT.

 Performance Work Statement
 Instructions to Offerors
 Evaluation Criteria
 Minimum Compensation Matrix
 Pricing Matrix
 OCI Mitigation Plan Checklist
 Past Performance Questionnaire
 DHA Mandatory Training
 GFE List
 CASS RFP Questions and Feedback Form

Opportunity closing date
19 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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