Germany - Carrying out roof renovation/roofing work as part of the conversion and d

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
07 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


Execution of roof renovation/roofing work as part of the conversion and renovation of parts of a warehouse in 63654 Büdingen (Industriestr. 46); The Wetterau district is planning to convert a former DIY store in Büdingen into a civil defense and disaster control warehouse; The existing roof structures and coverings have considerable defects and weak points. There is water ingress at various points and the existing roof insulation is largely soaked; In the course of the conversion and resumption of use in the building, roof renovations are planned for the following parts of the building: "Title 01": Warehouse 02 with approx. 1,450 sqm roof area; "Title 02": Two-storey office wing with approx. 260 sqm roof area; "Title 03" OPTIONAL: Warehouse 01 with approx. 1820 sqm roof area; The work will be carried out in several stages.Title 01:; Start of work: CW 46\/ 2024; End of work: CW 51\/ 2024; Title 02:; Start of work: CW 14\/ 2025; End of work: CW 18\/ 2025; The optional service "Title 03" will be requested by the client should the; necessity of the extended refurbishment be decided by the planner and client; There is no legal entitlement to the "Title 03" measure, as these are only optional services. The decision to put these services out to tender as an option is due to the fact that the planning basis is not yet fully apparent and the inventory is still missing; By submitting a tender, the contractor undertakes to provide these optional services (Title 3) at a later date as soon as the Wetteraukreis approves them; See further details in the tender documents (LV).

Opportunity closing date
26 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Wetteraukreis - FS 1.5.1 Zentrale Vergabestelle

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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