Ireland - CARI Foundation: Request for Tender

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
07 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
26 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Request for Tenders for Strategy Development Background CARI is a registered charitable organization established in 1989 to provide a professional, child-centered therapy and support service to children, adolescents, families, and groups who have been affected by child sexual abuse or to children under 12 who are displaying sexually harmful behaviours. CARI currently operates centers in Dublin and Limerick which offer safe and professional environments for children and families. This work is supported and funded by TUSLA, and by other private and corporate donors. CARI has a current strategy ‘Strategic Plan to 2025’ which has been difficult to achieve due to funding challenges. Purpose of the Strategic Planning Process The purpose of the development of the Strategic Plan is to provide the Board, management, staff and key stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect on our current work, identify its strengths, and where there is scope for improvement and development. The strategic work will also include the development of an operational plan with management so that they can implement the strategic plan over the next five years. It is critical that the plan includes the development of a fundraising strategy so that funding sourcing can be identified to ensure that funding is available to the organisation to implement the operational plans. Objectives of the Strategic Review We are looking for a consultant that is experienced in helping non-profiit organisations prepare strategic plans, operational plans and fundraising strategies. We are looking for a consultant that can: Prepare an analysis to assess internal and external challenges and opportunities. Facilitate stakeholder input, such as strategic planning stakeholder surveys and interviews. Guide the development of revised vision and mission statements and values. Guide the development of strategic objectives and required outcomes to deliver the vision and mission statement. Assist management in the preparation of operational plans to implement the strategic objectives. Guide management to develop a fundraising strategy and plans to fund the operational plans. To assess and support the development of a new culture within CARI. Guide management to identify the key risks and how these will be monitored and mitigated. Develop high level indicators to monitor progress, both in terms of organisational development and impact of CARI Foundation’s work. Areas for consideration for a new strategic plan To develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the CARI Foundation, we will start by aligning the vision and mission with the evolving needs of the communities served. This will involve reviewing current statements and gathering feedback from key stakeholders, including staff, beneficiaries, and donors and major funders Clear, measurable objectives will be set, addressing both immediate needs and long-term goals, with priorities established based on urgency and impact. These objectives will be supported by the development of an operational plan to ensure successful implementation. A critical focus will be on assessing the current culture within CARI. We will work to foster a positive, inclusive, and supportive organizational culture that aligns with our mission and values. This includes addressing any cultural challenges that may hinder the effectiveness of our services or the well-being of our staff. Service delivery in Dublin and Limerick will be thoroughly assessed to identify strengths and areas for improvement, while exploring innovative approaches to enhance impact and develop our service nationwide. Risk management strategies will be developed to identify, monitor, and mitigate financial, operational, and strategic risks. Financial sustainability will be safeguarded by identifying and diversifying funding sources by preparing a fundraising strategy and establishing realistic fundraising plans and budgets. Enhanced stakeholder engagement will be pursued through partnerships and regular communication. The plan will also emphasize technology adoption, innovation, and a strong commitment to cultural sensitivity and inclusion, ensuring CARI remains resilient and effective in its mission. Time-Frame: September 2024: Tendering document submitted to potential consultants. October 2024: Short-listing and interviewing potential consultants. Secure consultant. November 2024: Begin strategic planning process. Jan 2025: First draft of strategic plan. February/March: Final draft of strategic plan sign-off. April 2025: Launch of strategic plan Budget: The total fee for this work is €19,000. Tender applications should be submitted by email to: emer.oneill@cari.ieThe deadline for receipt of proposals is 7th of October 2024. For queries or further information please email:

Opportunity closing date
07 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

CARI Foundation

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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