Norway - Business development consultancy services

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
31 December 2024
Opportunity publication date
29 June 2020
79411100: Bu
Value of contract
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Nordland County is establishing a dynamic purchasing system for service deliveries within process guidance and service development.Nordland County needs consultancy services within organisation development, and particularly within process guidance and service development. Nordland County wants to get access to a wide range of skilled consultants. All tenderers who comply with the qualification requirements will be able to participate in the DPS for process guidance and service development.Tenderers must have access to personnel with the required competence to carry out the described assignments.Click here
The county council's ambition is that the project 'Bring Us in Front' (BOIF) will develop a future orientated organisation of the county's assignments and community developer role within the available financial constraints. Nordland County will change work methods and use of resources in order to exploit possibilities and deal with challenges in a flexible and efficient way.The project is a development project that will contribute to Nordland County being a good and relevant community developer, and that the organisation as a whole is development orientated and takes care of assignments and services in an efficient and good way. The organisation must be adapted to the new financial constraints which involves a considerable financial down turn.Society is changing fast. Important premises are the regional reform with its requirements for uniform measures, better coordination and the need to adapt the entity to constricted financial limits. Expectations from users and efficiency requirements require new solutions. Digitalisation gives options to solve assignments in completely new ways.All of the challenges require a uniform approach. In order to be relevant and see to the new assignments, a review of the county's own organisation and work methods must be undertaken.The project is now in the implementation phase and will need assistance to facilitate various processes and projects. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with managers and employees in the organisation, and will have a clear focus on interaction and user contributions.Assignments will be published as restricted contests, where participants who participate in the DPS will be invited to submit a tender. New providers can continually qualify for participation in the system.Participation in the DPS does not involve any delivery obligation. Each tenderer must, on an independent basis, assess whether the assignments that are announced suit their capacity, competence, time, location and size.The criteria for the choice of tender for each assignment will be price and assignment comprehension. The criteria will be stated in the different invitations to submit a tender.The annual volume can vary based on changes in need, grants, organisation and other framework terms. The estimated annual value of this DPS is between NOK 1- NOK 1.5 million excluding VAT. The county is not however bound to a specific volume or amount, but it will cover its actual need.Major and complex projects, or projects where there will be a need for specialCapacity/competence/experience, or where other relevant conditions require it, can be announced as a separate contest in DOFFIN/TED outside the DPS. The county will decide whether, based on the assignment´s nature, it is appropriate to hold a contest outside the DPS.

Opportunity closing date
31 December 2024
Value of contract

About the buyer

Nordland fylkeskommune Prinsensgate 100 Bodø 8048 Norway

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