Canada - BC Stats - Economic, Labour Market, & Demographic Statistical Services

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
16 August 2028
Opportunity publication date
19 July 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Interested Suppliers are invited to submit a Response to this Multi-Use List Request for Qualifications (MULRFQ) for the opportunity to be evaluated and determined whether they are eligible to be added to the Ministry’s Multi-Use List of Qualified Suppliers of Economic, Labour Market, & Demographic Statistical Services.  In order for a Respondent to be a Qualified Supplier, the Respondent will be required to have the requisite experience in at least ONE of the required Service Components. The Contractor will be expected to perform at least one of the following required Service Components with described work/activities. a. Economic Impact Analysis The Contractor will be expected to provide economic impact analysis as well as writing, review, and training services. This work includes, but is not limited to: input-output analysis; report writing and review; training; and peer / technical review. b. Macro-Economic ModellingThe Contractor will create, calibrate, maintain, and use macro-economic models and provide writing, review, and training services. This work includes, but is not limited to: structural macro-economic models (including industry/sector-specific macro/micro models); time-series economic models (including industry/sector-specific macro/micro models);  general equilibrium models and computable general equilibrium models (including industry-specific and whole economy models); report writing and review; training; and peer / technical review. c. Labour Market Modelling, Projections, and ForecastingThe Contractor will develop labour market demand and supply models (provincial and sub-provincial) and provide writing, review, and training services. This work includes, but is not limited to: modelling: industry outputs, output prices, and wage rates, international and interprovincial migration, entry and exits from the labour market (e.g., retirement), inter-occupational mobility, education to workforce trajectories (e.g., transition of school leavers into the workforce by occupation), macro-economic model forecasts and linking to occupational projections, and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), National Occupational Classification (NOC), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes; report writing and review; training; and peer / technical review. d. Population and Demographic Modelling and AnalysisThe Contractor will create, calibrate, maintain, and use demographic and population models and provide writing, review, and training services. This work includes, but is not limited to: target population projection models; micro-simulation models for target populations; population projection models using the cohort-component method; population component (fertility, mortality, and migration) forecasting; projection models for special populations and population-related variables (e.g., households, non-permanent residents); application of time series and machine learning methods to demographic and population modelling; application of geospatial methods to demographic and population modelling; Bayesian approaches to population forecasting and to small area estimation; development of data visualization tools for geographic, demographic, and population data; report writing and review; training; and peer / technical review. The Services are described in greater detail; including in section 5 and Appendix A.

Opportunity closing date
16 August 2028
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Ministry of Citizens' Services

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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