Canada - Apn-pacific energy management consultant sl, bc

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
28 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Advance Procurement Notice
Pacific Energy Management Consultant Source LIst
British Columbia
(with Security Requirements)

Purpose of this Advance Procurement Notice
This is not a bid solicitation. This is an advance notice of a potential Source List (SL) with anticipated security requirements to provide interested consultants an opportunity to begin the sponsorship request process for potentially obtaining the required security clearance(s) that are anticipated. Note that there is no guarantee that this procurement will proceed or that any security clearance(s) will be granted under the sponsorship process in a timely fashion or otherwise.

Description of the Source LIst and Services
Source List to aid the Department of National Defence (DND) in acquiring consultant expertise in energy management consultant services on an "as and when required basis". The Source List will cover any location within British Columbia.

The energy management consultant services may include the following types of projects:

Development of renewable energy projects
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning upgrades (HVAC) in support of energy savings and emission reduction
Energy Management Control System upgrades (EMCS) in support of energy savings
Voltage Optimization
Building metering
District Energy Systems
Lighting design for upgrades, installs, and controls in support of energy savings
Net zero infrastructure program planning and project planning (Plans may include creation of an ISO 50001 site level energy management system and feasibility studies on buildings or bases/Wings related to improving sustainability including but not limited to energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction)
Building envelope upgrades in support of energy savings
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other type of beneficial electrification projects

The estimated value for source list is approximately $7,500,000 over three (3) years with the potential of two (2) additional one (1) year option for extension and an increase in value of up to $5,000,000. The estimated total potential opportunity is approximately $12,500,000 over the 5-year period. The maximum callup value is expected to be $350,000.

It is anticipated that this solicitation will be initiated in Fall 2024. This is conditional on the contract receiving approval to proceed by the Department of National Defence (DND).

Contract Award and Anticipated Security Requirements
In order to be eligible for contract award, a consultant will be required to, among other things, actively hold all required security clearance(s) at the time of closing, as further detailed in the solicitation/tender documents.
As of the date of posting of this Advance Procurement Notice, the required security clearance(s) are anticipated to be:

for consultants: a valid and active DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS) granted or approved by the Contract Security Program (CSP), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC);

Industrial Security Program (ISP) Sponsorship
Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is providing consultants early access to the security clearance application process through sponsorship under its Industrial Security Program (ISP). Accordingly, consultants that are interested in submitting or participating in a proposal for this Source List and that do not actively hold the above identified security clearance(s) should begin the security clearance application process by applying through DCC's ISP.

Under this program, DCC may provide preliminary assistance with the security clearance sponsorship process.

To begin the security clearance sponsorship process, please submit a sponsorship request application to DCC by following the steps identified on DCC's website at:

In their sponsorship request application to DCC, consultants are asked to quote the following information, among other things:

Contract number 81936; and
Level of clearance requested to be sponsored for.

Sponsorship Process
Upon receipt, DCC will review the sponsorship request application and will communicate directly with the consultant to complete a sponsorship request package. Once DCC has determined that the consultant has substantially completed the sponsorship request package, DCC will forward the package to the CSP, PWGSC on behalf of the consultant based on the following timelines:

30 calendar days prior to planned solicitation closing, for DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS);

Following receipt of the sponsorship request package, the CSP, PWGSC will communicate directly with the consultant regarding any further steps or actions to be undertaken or the status of the sponsorship request package processing. At such time, the consultant will need to cooperate with the CSP, PWGSC in a timely fashion to further the process.

Any questions pertaining to the sponsoring process through the ISP can be addressed to:
Telephone Number: (613) 998-8974; or
Email address:

Any questions relating to this Advance Procurement Notice can be addressed to:
Mahmoud Farajmandi
Procurement Specialist
Defence Construction Canada
(250) 550-0157

DCC does not provide any assurances or guarantees that a sponsorship request package or a security clearance application forwarded by DCC to the CSP, PWGSC on behalf of a consultant will be successful or result in the granting of the requested security clearance(s) by the CSP, PWGSC, in a timely fashion. At all times, the processing of a sponsorship request package or a security clearance application is subject to the respective terms, conditions, and timelines of DCC's ISP sponsorship process and the CSP, PWGSC's security clearance granting process. By applying to either of the aforementioned processes, the consultant accepts and agrees to bear any risks associated with: (i) the completeness or accuracy, or lack thereof, of its application or related documents submitted under or in connection with either said processes, and (ii) the timeliness, or lack thereof, of any processing or granting of security clearance(s) under or in connection with either said processes.
Bidding and Documents are available on Fees may apply; See for more information.

Opportunity closing date
09 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Defence Construction Canada - Pacific Region

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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