Germany - Antibiotics for systemic use

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
08 April 2025
Opportunity publication date
03 March 2021
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Establishment of a DBS for the procurement of medicinal products of the indication group antibiotics in various pharmaceutical forms.The DBS is carried out in 2 phases:1. Establishment and administration of a bidder poolThe DBS is established for the duration specified in No. 1.2 and for the service spectrum antibiotics. The procedure is carried out exclusively electronically. The contracting authority shall create a pool of bidders.Any interested party may activate participation in the procedure and submit a request to participate at any time during the DBS. Any interested party that meets the eligibility criteria published in the contract notice is included in the bidder pool. He thus becomes a potential bidder and may submit a bid in the subsequent individual awards.The bidder pool is not limited in size. Any qualified participant will be included in the bidder pool.2. Bidding PhaseActual procurements will be made in the form of individual awards as required by the contracting authority during the bidding phase. The contracting authority decides on the timing or number of individual awards. It is expressly pointed out that there is no obligation on the part of the contracting authority to carry out individual awards.On the occasion of the individual award, the contracting authority invites all participants in the bidder pool admitted to the DBS to submit a bid and informs them of the specific terms of the contract (e.g. quantity, delivery time, place of delivery, award criteria, etc.), provided these have not already been published in the notice.By submitting a bid, the bidder declares that no changes will be made to the suitability criteria. The content of the tenders received will be examined on the basis of the award criteria published. The bidder with the most economical bid to be determined on the basis of the notified award criteria will be awarded the contract.Participants admitted to the DBS bidder pool are not obliged to submit a bid in the context of the individual awards.Participants must always keep themselves informed of the current status of the award procedure (the individual award). Any extensions of deadlines, applicant questions with the corresponding answers or other updates and changes must be retrieved independently by the participant from the federal e-award platform. Any changes will be promptly announced by the contracting officer.
Procurement of antibiotics in various dosage forms within the framework of a dynamic procurement system.

Opportunity closing date
08 April 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße 1 Koblenz 56073 Germany

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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