Canada - Acquisition of a signal amplifier for the hemodynamics room in the operating room

For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.


Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
21 November 2024
Opportunity publication date
21 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Project title: AO-24-034 | Acquisition of a signal amplifier for the hemodynamics room in the operating room

Institution : CHU Ste-Justine

Expected contract duration: THREE (3) years

Planned option(s): TWO (2) renewal options of ONE (1) year each

Type of award: Lowest compliant price

CHU Ste-Justine wishes to replace the signal amplifier in the hemodynamics room of the operating room, as well as a consumables contract.

The tendered equipment must be new.

Tender documents can only be obtained through the SÉAO electronic tendering system (, or for the Montreal region at 514-856-6600, or toll-free outside at 1-866-669-7326).

Compliance grid

If the proposed good does not comply with ALL the technical requirements of the tender document, please inform the person in charge of the call for tenders, in accordance with the instructions in the tender document, as soon as possible, BEFORE the date and time of the tender opening.

Request for information :

Bidders wishing to receive information or clarification regarding the call for tenders must do so in writing.

Tenderers wishing to receive information or clarification regarding the call for tenders must do so in writing less than THREE (3) working days before the deadline for receipt of tenders.

All requests for information should be addressed to the following person, indicating the tender number and project title in the subject line:

Call for tenders manager: Audrey Hamelin

E-mail address:

To be valid, submissions must be received no later than :

Date and time: See SEAO notice

Location: In electronic format on the SEAO website :


See SEAO notice

Electronic transmission :

Tenders may be submitted electronically. Where applicable, such transmission may only be made via the electronic tendering system (SEAO).

N.B. Bidders are strongly encouraged to submit their bids electronically. However, paper submission is still acceptable.

The CHUSJ does not undertake to accept the lowest or any of the bids received.

Only suppliers with a business office in Quebec or in a province or territory covered by an intergovernmental agreement and holding the required license(s) are eligible to bid.

A supplier registered in the register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA) and whose period of ineligibility for public contracts has not yet expired, is not eligible to submit a bid; this case of ineligibility also applies to the bidder's subcontractors.

Bidders are responsible for the choice of subcontractors, both in terms of their solvency and the content of their bids, and must inform them of the conditions they intend to impose on them and ensure that they hold the required permits and licenses.

Opportunity closing date
21 November 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

CHU Ste-Justine

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