Germany - 4-point-resistivity measurement system including:- State-of-the-art laptop equipped with state-of-the-art software for accurate 4-point-measuring control with licenses & updates for at least the next 5 years. The laptop must be fully capable to ru...

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
20 September 2024
Opportunity publication date
30 August 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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4-point-resistivity measurement system including:- State-of-the-art laptop equipped with state-of-the-art software for accurate 4-point-measuring control with licenses & updates for at least the next 5 years. The Laptop must be fully capable to run the control software using as operating system Windows 10 or higher. The specified system accuracy needs to be better than 99 %. The software has to manage tests automatically, displays results graphically (average, standard deviation) and enable export of the data (excl files).- Probe stand including an ultem vacuum chuck for 200 mm wafer and a manual x-y motion control stage with digital positioning readout. The probe stand has to be pre-wired and ready to connect to the source meter.- Probe head including 2 different four-point probes:- tungsten carbide as probe tip material- 85 g pressure on each tip1) 0.0625 inch tip spacing with 0.005 inch tip radius2) 0.040 inch tip spacing with 0.0016 inch tip radius- Source meter- resistivity range: 10 µ?/sq - 100 M?/sq- voltage range: 20 mV - 200 V- current range: 10 nA - 1 A- 6½ digits- graphical display- Necessary state-of-the-art cable connections between all the system components to guarantee accurate operation with deviations of results less than 1 %.Resistance calibration standard- 200 mm bare silicon wafer (lapped, polished)- p-type (Boron) doped - 710 µm thickness- 10, 141 Ohm/sq - Certificates of calibration (resistivity, sheet resistance and thickness)On-site installation and training- The tool installation at IHP must include an one-day user training at IHP in-person. The technical & process acceptance test at IHP must contain measuring the resistivity and sheet resistance of the calibration wafer of position 2 and one IHP standard wafer having a resistivity of 8-12 with a deviation of < 1 %.General requirements - Delivery: Incoterms 2010 DDP or DAP- If delivery is from outside EU, the supplier is importer- Electrical connection requirements IHP: 230/400VAC 50Hz TN-S Net (3xL+N+PE), enabling access to EU/German power grid- System must be CE compliant and marked with the CE certification sign- System must fulfill the actual "machinery, and amending Directive" (EC Machinery Directive)- Directive 2014/30/EU EMC must be fulfilled- Components from position 1 and 2 must be straight from the factory, not pre-owned or refurbished- Minimum 1 year warranty- Measurement system including all parts of position 1 shall not exceed the maximum dimension of 80 cm x 120 cm- Components packaged in cartons must be smaller than 90 cm as longest side- Manuals (most important operation & safety manuals) must be available in German language and in electronic form

Opportunity closing date
20 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

IHP GmbH - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik

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