Canada - 2025169 - Non Union Compensation Market Review

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
27 January 2025
Opportunity publication date
10 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is seeking the services of a consulting firm.The objective of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to engage the services of a professional, qualified consulting firm to undertake a comprehensive Non-Union Compensation Market Review (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc’s operations, to maintain or increase competitiveness in the market in terms of compensation. The Project will include all departments across the Municipality, including Elected Officials, with the exception of Police Services.       The consulting firm will bring experience and in-depth knowledge about compensation review and best practices in Ontario municipalities and proven experience in conducting similar “Compensation Reviews” in other public sector organizations.The Municipality is governed by nine council members, including a mayor and a deputy mayor who are elected at large. Senior staff consists of a Chief Administrative Officer, along with six department directors. The Municipality has up to 267+ employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary seasonal and volunteer fire fighters. The municipality currently has approximately 76 non-union positions. The Proponent will conduct a market review for compensation to assess market competitiveness. A comprehensive compensation strategy is required for all non-union positions to review the following: i) Determine the Municipality’s market competitiveness; ii) How to attract talent to the Municipality; iii) How to retain qualified talent; andiv) How to best manage costsThis effort will also include (not exhaustive list):Outlining in detail, the proposed methods and standards for conducting the compensation review including the associated milestones and timelines.Reviewing the Municipality’s current municipal comparator group.Conducting a comprehensive compensation review of the Municipality’s non-union positions.Conduct a review of Council’s existing level of remuneration in the comparator municipalitiesConduct a market compensation review of comparator positions and recommend any suggested revisions to existing grid and paying at the 55th percentile.Assessing market compensation levels and review the current classification structures to determine alignment with market practices and the Municipality’s current and future needs.Preparing recommendations for the Municipality’s current pay structure and compensation practices which will maintain equitable pay relationships among positions and ensure market competitiveness to attract and retain highly qualified employees.Addressing any discrepancies of salary compression and appropriate spread between minimum and maximum pay ranges. Preparing an analysis of the financial impact for implementation and identifying the most cost-effective way to implement any recommended changes. Documenting and presenting findings and providing recommendations in a written report. Preparing and presenting the findings and recommendations to the Project Team. Preparing and presenting a final report to Municipal Council with recommendations for Council’s consideration.

Opportunity closing date
27 January 2025
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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