Canada - 19-008 McGill University New Vic Project - Lot 7005 Quality control of materials

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
08 October 2024
Opportunity publication date
04 September 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Brief description of project and background

McGill University's proposed project for the New Vic on the Royal Victoria Hospital [RVH] site calls for the partial deconstruction of Pavilion A, i.e. its northern extension, the demolition of Pavilions M, S and T, the restoration and reuse of the heritage portions of Pavilions A, E and L, and the construction of a new Pavilion N in place of the demolished pavilions, in addition to the new spaces planned under the main courtyard in front of the old hospital.

The historic grounds and exceptional heritage buildings that make up the Royal Victoria Hospital complex will be transformed into a world-renowned center for teaching, research and innovation in the two academic pillars that shape the program: sustainable development and public policy. The new campus is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary research and collaborations between different members of the scientific community.

Description and scope of mandate

The work to be supervised is :

1. Earth and rock retaining

- Verification of pile drilling work by a qualified technician. Verification of drilling depths, length after levelling and displacements and deviations (horizontal and vertical).

2. Excavation bottom

- Verification of soils, rock and infrastructure (clean slab) by a senior engineer/technician to confirm that exposed soils comply with technical specifications and are ready to receive foundation work or granular backfill.

3. Excavation and summary environmental characterization of soils

- Sampling and verification of contaminated soils

- Chemical analysis of soil samples

4. Earthworks and backfill compactness

- Engineer verification of compliance of proposed backfill materials with technical specifications, including backfill (and accessories) for drainage and geothermal works.

- Laboratory analysis of granulometric tests, modified proctor tests, certification of aggregate conformity;

- On-site verification of backfill materials, backfill work and material compactness;

- Verification of sub-slab drainage work and mechanical trenching;

- Verification of final granular foundation and installation of materials (insulation and vapour barrier) in preparation for concreting of slabs-on-grade.

5. Concrete work

- Check physical and chemical properties of materials;

- Verification of proposed cement concrete mixing formulas;

- Verification of accessories and materials incorporated into concrete

- Verification of reinforcement and formwork equipment, methods and cleanliness;

- Checking and measuring physical properties of concrete and sampling concrete cylinders on site (3 cylinders per 50m3 of concrete max. and/or each type of concrete per day)

- Control of concrete protection;

- Concrete compression and pull-out tests;

- Concrete finishing, product and work verification;

- Adhesion compliance of concrete screeds bonded to structural slabs

6. Masonry work

- Verification of mixing formulas for proposed mortars;

- Laboratory testing of samples;

- Control and sampling of mortar by specimens (6 per 150m2 of mortar)

- Compression testing of mortar specimens

7. Structural steel work

- Bolting verification

- Checking welds

- Verification of verticality/horizontality of beams and columns

- Check bridging fastening

- Verification of steel structure anchoring in concrete and certification report

8. Membrane and waterproofing

- Material analysis and compatibility;

- Ongoing verification of membrane and foundation waterproofing work;

- Ongoing verification of roof membrane and parapet work;

- Verification of above-ground membranes such as those in the front yard and all other elements.

Opportunity closing date
08 October 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Université McGill

Bid for tender

If your company meets the requirements of the tender, go to the website where the tender is hosted and submit your bid.

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