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Navigating Global Markets with Santander

Want to turn those international growth dreams into a reality? Join us for a series of webinars in partnership with Santander, designed to help you gain the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in growing your business in many markets around the world.

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Join these webinars if you want to:

  • Gain the knowledge and confidence to start selling overseas

  • Set your business up for international growth success

  • Learn the tips and best practice of international trade

Number of webinars

Join DBT and Santander experts for a series of insightful webinars

  • Learn how to negotiate international contracts with confidence

  • Hear best practices and real-world examples from our experts

  • Explore how to make your product or service fit for a global customer base

Events for you to pick from

Book onto all sessions, or dip in and out - it's up to you!

1. Learn how to adapt your business offer to attract new overseas customers

Looking to grow your business in overseas markets, but unsure if your product or service is a good fit? This webinar, will cover everything you need to know to help you innovate and adapt your business, so you’re ready for international success.

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2. Strategies for negotiating contracts when selling overseas

What’s the key to excellent contract negotiation when you’re securing that new international deal? Getting it right can make or break your market success. This webinar, we will share top tips to help you negotiate new overseas contracts with confidence.

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3. Mastering risk management and contingency planning

In this webinar, we’ll cover everything you need to know about managing export risk, and what contingency plans are good practice to have in place while you are turning your international growth dreams into a reality.

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4. Accessing Finance for Export Success

Do you need more financial support to take your next step internationally? Join us for this webinar where we’ll help you get to grips with your export finances to turn it from a topic that feels foreign to familiar.

Join next live event (sign in required)

Navigating Global Markets: Accessing Finance for Export Success

Online event


Kathryn Smith, Santander UK

Kathryn is the International Business Development Director at Santander UK, where she has been a part of the team since 2011. With a strong focus on enabling UK businesses to achieve their international goals, Kathryn has held various roles within the company to support businesses in realising their global ambitions. Her dedication to assisting companies in their international endeavours and her proficiency in multiple languages make her an invaluable asset in the world of international growth.

Unlock your export potential

Join the UK Export Academy for instant access to live events with Q&A, and event recordings available on demand.

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