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Why Risk Management matters?

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Learn about how to develop a risk management framework with experts from OSL Risk Management.

What you’ll learn

  • The importance of Risk Management
  • Risk Management applications
  • Tools and tips for developing a risk management framework


In the age of global trade, managing risk, in all its component, is a crucial element to a successful export journey. Having a solid risk management framework and strategy allows you to plan ahead, prevent or mitigate risks that could negatively impact your expansion overseas and even your domestic operations.

Join us in for this exclusive webinar with Dr Elvis Hernandez from OSL Risk Management to learn about the importance of risk management, why it matters and practical tips for developing a solid risk management framework.


Dr Elvis Hernandez

Managing Director, OSL Risk Management

Dr Elvis Hernandez is the Manager Director of OSL Risk Management and Visiting Lecturer at the University of Hull.

His company helps organisations to maximise their assets-in-place and create growth opportunities for shareholders, investors, managers and stakeholders considering risk management in their decision-making processes. Dr Elvis led projects in business intelligence, financial and operational risk, and decision analysis in oil and gas companies, banks, and SMEs in different countries in Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America.

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