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Unlocking the Turkish Rail Market: Insights for UK businesses

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Discover why the Turkish Rail Market should be of interest to your business with its extensive investment, High-Speed Rail Expansion and growing infrastructure, join us to find out more.

What you’ll learn

  • Turkish Rail Market Insights: Gain an overview of the market and upcoming projects.
  • UK Export Opportunities: Learn what Turkish counterparts buy from the UK.
  • Market Entry and Climate Initiatives: Understand entry challenges and climate-related opportunities.


Turkey's rail sector presents a significant opportunity for UK SMEs, driven by the country's commitment to creating a greener, more sustainable rail network. The webinar will provide an overview of the sector and upcoming infrastructure and rolling stock projects, discuss what Turkish counterparts are purchasing from the UK, explore opportunities related to climate change, and address market entry challenges. The session will conclude with a Q&A, offering a chance to engage with our experts.


Yigit Sami Gumusok

Senior Trade Adviser for Rail and Urban Transport, Department for Business and Trade - Turkey

Yigit assists UK businesses in entering the Turkish railway market through business development, and facilitating connections with public and private partners.

Meltem Çiloğlu,

General Manager, Proray Engineering Industry and Trade Inc. – Turkey

Meltem brings a wealth of industry knowledge, drawing from her extensive experience, including time as an engineer for TCDD, Turkish State Railways. She is particularly well-versed in public procurement routes within the Turkish rail sector.

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