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Understanding export controls

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An overview of the export controls which may apply to your goods.

What you’ll learn

  • the role and importance of export controls
  • what kinds of products may be affected
  • the UK export licensing system


There are restrictions on the movement of some goods across international borders.  Much of this depends on the types of goods you are exporting, and the rules relating to your product area.  This module will begin by outlining the importance of finding and understanding which controls apply to your goods.

For those who are exporting military or dual-use items, we will also cover the UK Export Licensing system and outline factors to consider before beginning your export journey.  Finally, we’ll discuss the international embargoes and sanctions which all companies need to consider.


Irina Shmakova

UK Export Academy Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Irina has worked in the private and public sectors, both in the UK and overseas. She has helped businesses of all sizes to develop their sales overseas, working across multiple sectors and markets. 

With a particular interest in international market research, international communications and cultural awareness, Irina has led delegations of UK businesses on market visits and trade missions organised by Chambers of Commerce and DBT.

Watch a past event recording

Understanding export controls

Event recording

Recorded: 26 September 2023 • 1 hour

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