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Service companies: How to develop a successful international business

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Exclusively for businesses in the service sector we’ll explore the key challenges and practical considerations of selling your services overseas.

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding of the wider DBT services offering
  • Understanding of the importance of the services sector to the UK economy
  • Understanding of the key elements associated with selling services internationally


Are you in the service sector and want to explore selling overseas?

Join this session to take a look at the factors that you should consider to do it successfully. To give you the coal-face dimension, we are excited to have several Export Champions along for the ride too, just to enhance the ‘real’ feeling, and to offer their respective views and observations from this important Export Market Sector.


Robin Hill

UK Export Academy Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Robin is a versatile professional with experience spanning various business sectors, including blue-chip companies and dynamic startups. His journey includes roles at Burton Group, General Electric, and BUPA. Notably, he has ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing startups in Broking and the wholesale Wine Trade. His diverse background reflects a blend of corporate expertise and entrepreneurial spirit.

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