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Sell your food to the EU: demystifying sanitary and phytosanitary requirements

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Want to sell your food products to countries across Europe, but finding it difficult to navigate the guidance and requirements? We are here to help demystify the process and make the requirements much more digestible for you!

What you’ll learn

  • understand what the sanitary and phytosanitary checks and requirements are when selling food overseas;
  • learn about the recent updates to relevant guidance;
  • discover the Department for Business and Trade support available to guide you through understanding the checks and requirements.


Europe is the UK’s largest export market, and food products are now subject to EU guidance under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

If your company is currently selling or looking to sell food products to EU countries, and you need to demystify what this guidance means for your export activity, then we are here to help!

This session will cover the main food safety and animal health measures (sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)) when selling your products to the EU, what checks you may be subject to and may need to prepare for, along with any recent changes to this guidance that you may need to be aware of.

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