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Part 2: Procurement in the US - Tips for tendering in the US

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Tendering can be challenging and requires you to be on top of your league. In this second edition of a two part series, we will provide you with top tips to unlock your export potential and land successfully on a big American deal.

What you’ll learn

  • top tips on tendering in the US
  • how to build a solid plan to engage in public procurement market opportunities
  • how the US National Association of State Procurement Officials can support you


In the United States there are 50 states, 6 territories, 3033 counties, over 4000 institutions of higher learning, and over 90,000 political subdivisions that make up the US State and Local public procurement markets. Every year approximately 17% of the $25.4 trillion US GDP is public spend that runs through the state and local government markets.

This webinar is brought to you by the US National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) to provide tools and resources to make the most of your export journey. In this session, Bart will provide you with top tips to turn a potential contract opportunity into an asset for your company in the US. Interested? Come and join us!


Bart Lemmon

Director of Strategic International Initiatives, National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO)

Bart works with many international organisations that support public procurement and collaborates with foreign government entities on public procurement projects.

Bart joined NASPO in 2017 after spending several years in the office products industry where he secured and managed numerous national, state, and local government contracts spanning across the United States. Since coming to NASPO, he has worked with hundreds of private industry suppliers providing counsel in helping them achieve their strategic objectives to effectively penetrate state and local government markets.

The primary goal of NASPO is to raise the public procurement profession and enhance the overall quality of procurement services and solutions delivered to public agencies and institutions.

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