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Get your business ready for Kazakhstan!

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Considering new markets? Come and find out why trading with Kazakhstan presents you with exciting opportunities to expand your customer base to one of the biggest economies in Central Asia.

What you’ll learn

  • hear an overview of the opportunities for UK businesses in Kazakhstan
  • gain an overview of the commercial growth and ease of doing business in this market
  • learn about the support available from Department of Business and Trade


Kazakhstan is the second-largest republic of the former Soviet Union, after Russia, and the ninth-largest country in the world. It is known to be a stable, upper-middle-income country and Central Asia's largest economy.

A country the size of western Europe, Kazakhstan has vast mineral resources and enormous economic potential with key opportunities for UK businesses existing in the following sectors:

  • mining
  • energy
  • education
  • agriculture

Curious to know more? Join us to learn what exactly these commercial opportunities are and the support available through the Department for Business and Trade to get you started with selling to this exciting market!


Beth McKendrick

Country Director, Department for Business and Trade (DBT), Kazakhstan

Beth has been the Country Director of the Department for Business and Trade since 2021, and is based in the British Embassy in Astana.

DBT Kazakhstan is responsible for bilateral trade policy, attracting foreign investment and promoting UK exports trade with Kazakhstan. The team has two offices: British Embassy Astana with focus on Mining, Agriculture, Education, and Infrastructure and British Trade Office in Almaty specialising in Creative Industries and Financial Services.

Larissa Galiaskarova

Export Support Service Adviser, Department for Business and Trade, Astana

Larissa joined the Department for Business and Trade (then UKTI) in 2013 and since then looked after numerous sectors including education, financial and professional services and healthcare.

With the launch of Export Support Service on 1 April 2022 by the Department for Business and Trade she took on this service and now acts as Export Support Service Adviser bringing together UK SMEs and local companies in various sectors of economy.

Rimante Bang

UK Export Academy Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Rimante has worked for a range of private and public sector organisations both in the UK and overseas. She has over 20 years of both import and export experience in various international markets, including 16 years living and working in South Korea, which allowed her to gain invaluable exposure to Asian markets and business culture. She has experience across retail, education, consumer electronics, food and nutraceutical sectors.

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