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How to implement Digital Product Passports (DPP): advice from other business owners

The EU is implementing a new regulation requiring nearly all products sold to feature a Digital Product Passport (DPP). Hear how other businesses are implementing DPPs and the advice they have for you on navigating this new technology.

What you’ll learn

  • Gain insight into the real-world application of DPPs 
  • Discover the benefits and challenges faced by other businesses in adopting this technology 
  • Find out about the top tips and strategies that fellow business owners recommend for successful implementation of DPP


Digital Product Passports (DPPs) are emerging as a powerful tool to streamline export processes, enhance transparency, and comply with international regulations.

These passports store essential information about the product's origin, materials, and manufacturing process, accessible through smart technology.

Hear from a fellow business owner on how they are navigating the implementation of DPP. This webinar will feature an interview with other businesses, who has started the process of integrating DPPs into their business operations.

We will cover practical steps that you can take to prepare for DPPs, including targeted actions and key questions to ask manufacturers. 


Laura Milillo

Engagement Manager, GS1 UK

Laura works as Engagement Manager at GS1 UK, working to support industry and GS1 UK members with implementing sustainability regulations. She has a background in ESG transformation, circular economy and product sustainability.

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