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Get your business ready for Africa!

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Are you looking to sell your products or services to countries across Africa? Join this session to improve your know-how of selling to this continent, which is the home of many promising economies.

What you’ll learn

  • key opportunities in the Africa market for UK companies
  • top tips on how to access the African market successfully
  • the Department for Business and Trade support available to assist you on your exporting journey


Africa is a vast and diverse continent with manifold economic opportunities across all sectors. Walking towards greater regional economic integration since the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area in 2018, Africa is home to five of the world’s ten fastest growing economies! Do you want to learn more about the opportunities of selling to this continent?

Join us in this session where we will be giving you an overview of the four different regions in Africa, highlighting market opportunities in key sectors and sharing market access advice. This webinar is brought to you by the Export Support Service in Africa.

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