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Content and SEO in 2024: from AI to Digital PR

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In this session, we'll take a clear, jargon-free look at search engine optimisation and online content strategy for current and prospective exporters.

What you’ll learn

  • A straightforward, clear view of the 'known' and 'unknown' aspects of SEO and content strategy for exporters in 2024
  • A hype-free assessment of AI use cases, pitfalls and the wider business context between Google and Bing that may impact future trends
  • A complete breakdown of the essential elements of localisation for online marketing, keyword rankings and relevant web traffic
  • The definition of Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust (E-E-A-T) for international exporters, and how search engines use this framework to reward sites


Using clear examples and commentary on Google's algorithm updates throughout 2023, we'll highlight the elements that are most important for business owners, senior leaders and non-digital specialists to bear in mind.

Drawing upon experience within SEO and content campaigns across 100 languages and dozens of markets, this session will give clear guidance on what 'works' to drive international web traffic, as well as giving a sober view of the important/opportunities/risks associated with AI for online marketing in the context of exporting.


Martin Calvert

Marketing Director, ICS-digital

Martin Calvert is Marketing Director at ICS-digital, an international digital marketing agency that helps large and small firms succeed in highly competitive and highly regulated sectors worldwide.

Martin hosts the ICS: Everything Digital podcast on Apple and Spotify which covers multilingual digital topics including SEO, content, PR, product and much more.

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