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Business and Culture in Germany: Spot the differences!

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Doing business in Germany? Expand your language and culture skills and learn about the main characteristics of German business culture.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn about the business attitudes and values in Germany
  • Practical tips when trading with customers based in Germany
  • Understand the dos and don’ts of German business culture to seize commercial growth opportunities


Germany is the UK’s largest export market in Europe and second largest globally after the US.

However, a successful trade partnership is just not about numbers - it is also about forging a relationship of trust between seller and buyer.

This webinar will help you improving your communication with German speaking counterparts and customers by giving you insight into German cultural attitudes and values.


Gerti Willis

Communication & Culture Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Gerti has over 25 years of experience negotiating contracts with language trainers from many countries and cultural backgrounds which has given her in-depth knowledge of cultural diversity. She has previously worked in Germany for an organisation setting up Fair Trade projects in Kenya, India & Sri Lanka.

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