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April 2025: Business Growth challenge

Join a free four-week challenge in April 2025 to support you in growing your business overseas. Hosted in partnership with growth transformation and training organisation Growth Ignition.

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Are these events right for you?

  • Join a free challenge with a community of businesses just like yours

  • Learn how to land your first (or next!) big overseas deal

  • Learn the skills to grow your business

Number of webinars
Total duration
4 hours

Join these sessions hosted by our business growth experts Jeremy and Jules Brim

  • Learn how to write a business plan and strategy to grow your business in overseas markets

  • Explore the top hints, techniques and tricks to successfully market your business to a global audience

  • Improve your pitching, presentation and negotiation skills, so you can pitch your way to international success!

Events in this series

For the ultimate experience work through the challenge from start to finish, or pick and choose the ones you need – it’s up to you.

1. Week 1: Challenge kick off & business growth strategy

Jeremy will open the four-week challenge with a session on developing your own personalised business growth strategy.

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2. Week 2: Marketing 101 for non-marketeers

Jules will guide you through building an international marketing strategy and developing a better understanding of your ideal overseas customer base.

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Business growth challenge Week 2: Marketing 101 for non-marketeers

Online event

3. Week 3: Pitching and presenting to clients

Jeremy will run through how to prepare for, storyboard, develop content and deliver great pitches and competitive presentations to international clients.

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Business growth challenge Week 3: Pitching and presenting to clients

Online event

4. Week 4: Bidding and closing deals

Explore what is involved in successfully bidding and winning deals for work abroad.

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Business growth challenge Week 4: Bidding and closing deals

Online event


Growth Ignition is led by Jeremy Brim, the award-winning business capture expert and Cranfield School of Management and APMP Accredited Lecturer. Jeremy brings 20 years of experience as a capture and bid management professional across both the public and private sectors. Leading successful work winning functions spanning professional services, outsourcing and construction - Jeremy has secured an enviable collection of high-profile projects, programmes and frameworks with blue chip clients around the globe.

The challenge is delivered in partnership with Jules Brim at Marketing Mixology. Jules started her firm in 2018, after gaining over a decade of experience working in a variety of sectors. She wanted to take all she had learned and use that know-how to help small and medium sized business owners and leaders reach their ideal customers and grow their organisations further. She has worked with a wide range of businesses on a variety of marketing projects, from ad hoc campaign delivery to long term 121 support and training.

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