Hydrogen and Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)

Are you ready to accelerate your Hydrogen business?

The UK is renowned as a global leader in renewable energy, and UK firms are working with governments and businesses across the region to address the challenges brought about by climate change to find solutions in the charge to net zero.

Find out how UK renewable energy innovation can help you meet your goals.

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The UK's commitment to Hydrogen is driving economic growth and providing sustainable solutions for a cleaner future.

From the development of cutting-edge technologies to the creation of new jobs and investment opportunities, this brochure showcases some of the UK's hydrogen capabilities by highlighting a selection of the UK innovators at this Summit.

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Committing over £2bn to support successful projects in the first hydrogen allocation round, the UK has an ambition to up to 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030.

Hydrogen presents a massive economic opportunity for the UK, unlocking up to £11 billion of investment by 2030 across the value chain. Tap into the growing pipeline of over 250 projects.

Download our Hydrogen Production Delivery Roadmapopens bit.ly in a new tab to explore these opportunities.

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Thanks to its unique geology, skills and infrastructure as an island nation, the UK holds a strategic advantage for Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) compared to most other European countries.

Backed by an unprecedented £20 billion investment, the UK’s CCUS vision sets out how the UK will transition from early projects to becoming a competitive market in this area by 2035.

Download our Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage Visionopens bit.ly in a new tab to explore CCUS opportunities.

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Hydrogen investment opportunities in the UK


Hydrogen in North East Scotland

Scotland is perfectly placed to meet a significant proportion of Europe’s hydrogen demand, which could reach 700 TWh annually by 2050. Strategically positioned on the North Sea, Scotland has strong clusters of offshore and onshore wind, oil and gas, maritime, chemicals and gas distribution.

Explore North East Scotlandopens bit.ly in a new tab

East Midlands Freeport

The Freeport offers access to a wide range of innovative sectors, including advanced manufacturing, automotive and advanced logistics, and space and satellites. Hydrogen also presents a significant opportunity, with hydrogen heat pumps and boilers being developed by Bosch

Explore East Midlands Freeportopens bit.ly in a new tab

Felixstowe & Harwich

Freeport East is a world-leading centre for clean energy production, offering a unique set of opportunities and support for investors, traders, manufacturers and suppliers. Freeport East covers 1,500 square km and includes a range of development and investment opportunities.

Explore Freeport Eastopens bit.ly in a new tab

UK supply chain strengths to consider:


Dedicated R&D funding

The UK’s dedicated R&D funding for hydrogen is  focussed on heavier applications, such as maritime, aviation and road freight, or in regional hubs where transport can help support its use in industrial, energy.


Investment to reduce emissions

We have recently announced investments which include hydrogen vehicles and vessels, such as the £206m UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK-SHORE) and £200m for our Zero Emission Road Freight Demonstration (ZERFD).


UK Government innovation funding programme

We have created the Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator, a £26 million innovation funding programme to support the demonstration of end-to-end industrial fuel switching to hydrogen in the UK.


World-leading expertise

The UK has world-leading expertise to draw upon – with two of the world’s major process licensors for these projects based in the UK – and a mature supply chain to utilise from wider industries such as oil & gas and chemicals.

3 reasons to choose the UK for Hydrogen:


Geology. The UK has favourable geology for large-scale hydrogen storage in salt caverns and disused oil and gas fields under the North Sea. The UK has a global leading geological advantage – having one of the greatest CO2 storage potentials of any country in the world.


Ambition. The UK aims to produce up to 10GW of low-carbon hydrogen power by 2030, with at least half coming from green hydrogen. We will use excess offshore wind power to bring down costs. The UK Government has published delivery roadmaps to support industry to invest in carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen.


Demand. UK hydrogen demand is estimated to reach 80 to 140 terawatt-hours in 2035. The increase in UK hydrogen production ambition, with greater focus on electrolytic hydrogen production, has opened potential opportunities to export hydrogen from the UK at scale.

Explore cost-effective finance solutions for project owners

UK Export Finance (UKEF) is the UK Government’s export credit agency offering long-term, cost-effective finance solutions for buyers procuring goods and services from the UK. A £2bn Clean Growth Direct Lending Facility dedicates funding specifically for clean growth and renewable energy projects.

Explore UK Export Financeopens bit.ly in a new tab

Build connections with the UK's Hydrogen ecosystem:


Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe

22-24 October 2024


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Interested in more events like this?

View upcoming events, insights and opportunities in the energy sector this year.

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